Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 53 and counting

Technically, this is the longest time that I have ever spent abroad or better yet - live far, far away from home. This was probably one of the craziest and quite impulsive decisions that I have ever made in my life but it was all because of the desire for some sense of adventure. I'm 25, literally at the prime years of my life and I've always felt the urge to breakaway - to see the world. Now here I am, trying my luck in a country very foreign to me even in my wildest imaginations.
Dasman, Kuwait City

Kuwait - a desert coastal land where its enormous oil reserve, strong military relationship with the US and high GDP index is more famous than its culture and historical significance actually relies a huge percentage of its major economic production to foreign manpower, hence making it a very attractive place for a variety of business endeavors. It offers a great deal of opportunities for anyone who wanted to explore one’s potential and  this I say, would probably be one of the reasons why I decided to be here in the first place.

Although I've barely been here, 53 days to be exact, I'm fully aware that I still have a lot of learn. There's a number of good places that I needed to explore, exotic food to taste, language to master and new cultures to discover. I can't foresee what this place has in store for me, but I sure know that from the moment I stepped on a plane barely a few weeks ago, I know that this would be one hell of ride.

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