Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blogging 101 Seminar

Writing is a passion that I always have. It's the Romeo to my Juliet's love for reading. It's a combination that I always enjoyed since I was young. And speaking is something quite similar as well. It's not just a passion but also something that I know I can naturally do. I'm not bragging or anything, but I am absolutely sure that if I have something to say, I'd say it. More so -- speaking in front a crowd. Funny thing that I don't get the usual jitters whenever I'd try to talk in front of an audience, although sometimes I'd feel a little sweaty but at the time that I would stand up and start to open my mouth, the platform or stage or wherever I'm standing feels like home. Weird, but I do have that kind of feeling. It's like -- you want to share a piece of yourself to your listeners and you're really trying your best to let them know what you want them to know. But unfortunately, that doesn't happen all the time. Some would say I sounded harsh, that I would comment straight to the point to even sound rude or get the tables upside down by making everyone laugh with my crazy humor. Whatever that is, at least I'm still able to get my points across right? XD

Anyway, as part of our group's special sessions, I was tasked to give another talk about Blogging 101 last 17th of April 2015. This time, with only the basics of the basics that I know. This of course made me excited since I would be able to share everyone what I know about blogging. Not that I was an expert since I'm probably still a newbie when ranked on the Blogosphere, but the fact that some people think I have the authority in this matter -- it simply made my heart jump for joy! Too much adjectives? Nah, just feeling happy with what I have accomplished! :)

OFSI Blogging 101 Session last April 17, 2015
Another group picture of future OFSI Bloggers
Oh yeah, they're listening to whatever that I was saying :P


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