Thursday, April 5, 2012

Drawing Contest at Eureka

The other day while I was checking my Facebook account I was linked to a page, encouraging me to like a certain drawing. Curious, I scanned the whole album and saw that it was part of Eureka's Drawing contest. (Eureka by the way is a known electronic shop in Kuwait) The first thought that came to my head was "I need to be in it". So yes, the next thing I did was read the mechanics of the contest, message Eureka's page with my name and contact details and wait for their call to set me up an appointment. I wasn't actually sure why I did that, but hey there's always a first time. Plus, the winner would take home $3,500 in cash and a brand new Samsung Galaxy Note.

Well, I honestly can say that I'm not that good with drawing or paintings or sketches, but I do have an eye for the arts. Funny thing is, the last time I made my own canvass was back in College and that was more than 6 years ago. So when they called me roughly 2 days after I signed up, or applied for if that's the proper term, I was kind of..ecstatic. I reread the mechanics again and interestingly they have 3 prizes to be given away. Obviously I'm not up for either the first or the second prize because I find myself wanting to bag the third prize. Guess what that is? They have this "Worst Drawing" award where you can win a brand new Samsung Galaxy Note minus the money. That was funny, but at least a worst drawing can still get a prize. And that's the important thing.

So a few hours ago, I finally went there. My schedule was at 6PM Eureka Salmiya Showroom. I came just in time, thankfully though there was no traffic. The event was held at the basement area and there were 4 couches with flat screens in front where everyone can see the drawings. Oh yeah, the drawing was supposed to be done using the Samsung Galaxy Note. Isn't that wicked? It sure it. Unfortunately though we were only given 15 minutes to do any kind of drawing we'd want (obviously under PG rating since hello this is Kuwait) and that my hands were shaking all over. I didn't know why I suddenly got nervous, but I just couldn't stop my hands from shaking. Add the fact that the Galaxy note was thin and the stylus pen seems so delicate. There were also press people taking photos on the event and there's this one old media man joking around while telling me to concentrate on my work. Great, just exactly what I needed. Well It took me a couple of tries to muster my confidence (yeah right) and finish my drawing entry. Here's what I did below. Looking at it, I'm not eve sure what I had in mind. Don't laugh. Besides art is about expressing oneself right?

When I was done, one of the guys at Eureka told me that they'd put my work on their Facebook page and I'll just get a call if I'd win. Of course, his last statement almost made me laugh. But then I did remember what I came win the Worst Drawing. (crosses my fingers) So, I guess I'll just have to wait if I'd win. They'd be announcing it by next week, I think.