Sunday, October 7, 2012

PinayDiaspora Got Featured!

I have been blogging for more than a year now but I never really expected that PinayDiaspora will get noticed! I have received the good news last October 1st when one of the admins of contacted me that they want this blog in their Features area for Kuwait. by the way is a Germany-based website catering to the needs of Expats all over the world. Of course, I was thrilled with the news beyond belief! This has been the very first time that anyone contacted me about PinayDiaspora. After only a few days, the featured page has been released on their site! Click the link to see the blogger behind PinayDiaspora for the first time lol

                                                          PinayDiaspora Got Featured Link!
perks of working abroad
It's also interesting to say that they have given me their awesome badge of excellence too. The little badge (image above) not only serves as a link between PinayDiaspora and InterNations but as well as a reminder that I, as the blogger, must strive harder to maintain it. Another challenge, I should say. So goodluck with me then. :)

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